Halifax Civic Trust Celebrates National Civic Day

Halifax Civic Trust Celebrates National Civic Day

Halifax Civic Trust celebrated National Civic Day on 18th June with a stall at Woolshops and events in the town.

Civic Day is promoted Nationally by Civic Voice who want to see a society where every individual can say ‘I am proud of where I live’.

Halifax Civic Trust has been working to protect Halifax’s Heritage for 60 Years.

It was an exciting day with a 2-hour heritage walk around the town and a special showing of films about Halifax and the Civic Trusts own film about the Wakefield Gate or Magna Via. There were local competitions, and the Trust shared its work over the last 60 years. People were invited to join as members and support their work locally.

The Town Crier announced the event across the Town and the Mayor Cllr. Angie Gallagher opened Civic Day in Halifax and spoke to members of the public about the work of Halifax Civic Trust.

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