Arts Council England (ACE) Launches Delivery Plan
ACE have published their full Delivery Plan for 2021-24, setting out the detailed actions they’ll take over the next three years to deliver on the vision of Let’s Create. The priority for individuals and organisations in the cultural and creative sector continues to be recovery from the pandemic. The plan we’re sharing with you today sets out how we’ll work with our partners, the government and beyond to support the sector in addressing the challenges ahead. Dive into the detail.
Centre For Cultural Value (CCV) announces new research fund Collaborate
Collaborate is a new fund to support the development of collaborative research projects between the cultural sector and academic researchers. Aim is to support around 15 projects and funding awards will range from £5K – £20K. Deadline: expressions of interest between 18 October- 24 November 2021.
Cultural sector applicants: Attend an event on 5 October or morning or afternoon on 12 October to find out more about how to apply
Arts Award Access Fund
Grants from £100 to £1500 to Arts Award centres working on projects with young people. Open to all registered UK Arts Award centres, but priority will be given to those that are working with young people for whom access and inclusion is an issue. Make an application
Support for Afghan refugees
As Calderdale is a valley of sanctuary it may be interesting to note that the Government has approached councils across the UK to seek urgent further offers of support for Afghan families in the next ten days as part of the Afghan Citizens’ Resettlement Scheme (ACRS). More info & Valley of Sanctuary
New Charities Excellence Volunteer Resource Pack Available Now
How to recruit and retain more volunteers, and get the most from them, including a checklist of things you need to think about to make it work really well. Click link for pack: volunteer management.
ACE Project Grants : grassroots live music
Grants of £1,000 and £40,000 to venues and promoters to help the grassroots live music scene. Funding for Artistic programming, audience development, making your venue more accessible, resilient or environmentally friendly, and assets. Deadline 31 Mar 22. Full Guidance.
Foyle Foundation launches revised Grants programme following Covid 19
The Main Grants Scheme supports charities registered and operating in the United Kingdom with a core remit of the Arts or Learning. The focus will change to make one-year grants only (no multi-year grants) to charities that can demonstrate ongoing financial stability for the next 12 months; more grants to cover core costs, favouring those with no, or without significant, public funding. Full Grant Guidance
Creative Producer wanted for Hebden Bridge Arts Festival
Started in 1993, Hebden Bridge Arts Festival (HBAF) is one of Yorkshire’s longest running arts organisations with a reputation for delivering high-quality events. Looking for a candidate who will be dedicated to the co-creation of distinctive work with communities and artists and will demonstrate significant leadership skills. The successful candidate will build on the outcomes of our rigorous 12 month period of review and research, developing, overseeing, and rolling out a fresh creative programme and operational plan. They will also, with the support of the Board, be responsible for continuing fundraising and the development of strategic partnership working. Freelance, Fixed Term for 9 Months; 2 Days Per Week; Fee: £14,000 (+ £500 Expense Allowance)
Deadline for applications: Friday 1st October 2021 (Midnight) ; Interview dates: Week Beginning Monday 18th October 2021 For full details and the recruitment pack please visit www.hebdenbridgeartsfestival.co.uk
Freelance Associates need for IVE
IVE are looking to expand our pool of Freelance Associates, to work with Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs) in Yorkshire and the Humber as part of our Bridge programme. There are currently 6-month contracts available in Calderdale, Rotherham and North Yorkshire for work between Oct 2021 and March 2022. You will be paid at a fee of £250-£300 per day plus travel for 10-15 days. Please email your CV and an outline of your relevant experience, including how you might approach this work to megan@weareive.org.
Annapurna Seek Performance Space
Annapurna Indian dance are looking for spaces for community Indian dance workshops every Thursday 5.00 pm till 8.00pm . We are looking somewhere near the town centre ideally. We hope to motivate more young people to join us if we have regular space and we can advertise it. If you can help please contact Shanta Rao on 07737759783
Freelance & Advisory Board Posts At Centre for Cultural Value (CCV)
CCV have two freelance opportunities to work with them on sharing findings from our Covid-19 research programme. They’re looking for an Editor and a Marketing and Communications specialist. Closing date for proposals is Mon 4 October at 9am. Opportunities also exist for two new members to join their Advisory group. They welcome applications from people who are currently underrepresented in our group including people who experience racism, identify as D/deaf or disabled or are based outside of London and the south east of England. The deadline for expressions of interest is 29 October 2021.
Anne Lister 181 Celebration Weekend: 22nd September – 26th September
Cultural Destinations, Visit Calderdale, and venues across Calderdale t bring you an exciting programme of events to celebrate the legacy of Anne Lister. Wednesday September 22nd 2021 marks 181 years since the death of Anne Lister of Shibden Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire.. Halifax Vintage Tour Bus will also be operational this weekend and will leave from the Woolshops bus lay at the bottom of the steps. The tour takes approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. Tickets cost £5 per person and you can book a place by ringing the Discover Halifax Hub on 01422 413012.
Belonging: Fashion & A Sense of Place
Calderdale Museums launched their new fashion exhibit on Saturday 18 September during London Fashion Week, and runs until 5 March 2022, as part of an exciting collaboration between Calderdale Council and Leeds Arts University. It is a cutting-edge exhibition showcasing the influence of the West Riding of Yorkshire on contemporary fashion is coming to Bankfield Museum in Halifax. Alexander McQueen, Burberry, Red or Dead, Martin Parr and Edward Crutchley are just some of the major names associated with the fashion industry who have been inspired by the region and whose works will be on display.
Verd de Gris launches Community Cookbook
Verd De Gris have produced a community cookbook as part of the #neverhungryagain campaign. All of the recipes come from local people, from Park, Elland, Todmorden, Brighouse, Ovenden and Mixenden. The cookbook also celebrates the local shopkeepers and market traders who sell fresh fruit and vegetables in Calderdale and remain a part of local communities – butchers, bakers, fishmongers and greengrocers. LET’S EAT – CLICK THE LINK!
The Little Mermaid presented by Chantry Dance at The Victoria Theatre – Friday 8 October 7:30pm
Chantry Dance has been inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s story of everyone’s favourite mermaid, and given it a wonderful new twist in the tale. Join Chantry for this year’s must-see show, featuring stunning contemporary choreography, acrobatics, beautiful costumes and an international cast of exceptional dancers. Book Now
Todmorden Book Festival 24 Sep – 1st Oct 2021
Todmorden Book festival launches on the 24 September in partnership with CMBC Libraries and is a mixture of live and digital events, it promises to be another outstanding year.
The line-up includes Jackie Kay, Joanne Harris and Mark Billingham to name but a few.
The full line up can be found here, and booking is recommended https://www.todmordenbookfestival.co.uk/
Its Official – Square Chapel is back!
Square Chapel is opening using a phased model where we have started opening the bar an hour before shows, films and events and during. The next phase will be opening the café with a limited menu from mid to late Oct and then fully open again for our Christmas offerings and then back to business from the new year. Click to see full Programme
Calder Folk
Calder Folk is an illustration installation project from Michael Powell inspired by the folklore and place legends of the Upper Calder Valley where he lives.
As part of this project there is:
An exhibition : September 2nd – 29th | Todmorden Information Centre link
A live event: 2-5pm | October 2nd | Trades Club, Hebden Bridge gig.
Five outdoor artworks and musical works: For you to find in unexpected outdoor spaces across the Upper Calder Valley between 1 September and 1 December 2021.
Rhythm & Brews New dance classes
Join Curious Motions for this fun and informal session to explore a range of music and movement styles – from the uplifting rhythms of traditional African Zulu music and dance to the relaxing notes of the piano as we stretch. FRIDAYS: 1st – 22nd October & 5th – 26th November, 12pm– 1:30 pm BOOK NOW
…And Finally This Week’s Talking Point…
“Are ordinary people being priced out of the theatre?” Read the debate in The Stage’s greenroom